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Dr Sunil D Chachere (Retired)

Dr Sunil D Chachere (Retired)

Associate Professor , Ph.D.

Department -


Specialization -

Physical Chemistry

Teaching Experience (in years) -


Date of Appointment -

16 Oct 1989

Contact -


Research Work




  1. Studies in AcousticalProperties of GlycylGlycyl- GlycinePeptide in 20%Methanol -waterMixture at 300 no.210-214 Ultra-Science
    Research Journal, Vol 13, Issue 2, 2001
  2. Influence ofDielectric constantsof Dioxane -waterMixture onFormation of Cu(II)Glycyl-Glycyl Glycine Complexes,Page no. 671-674 Asian
    Journal of Chemistry
  3. Kinetics of theOxidation ofCysteine By 2,6DichlorophenolIndophenol inAqueous Solution,page no. 699-702
    International Journal of Chemistry Science, interdisciplinary journal Vol. 3, issue 4, 2005
  4. Kinetics andMechanism ofOxidation of Glycineby Ceric Sulphate inAcidic Medium, pageno. 978-986 International Journal of
    ChemistryScience,interdisciplinary journal Vol 5, Issue 3, 2007
  5. Kinetic of Oxidationof Phenylalanine andPhenylglycine byBromine, Page no.109-112 International Journal of Chemistry;
    Science,interdisciplinary journal Vol 3,Issue 2, Aug.2007
  6. ElectrochemicalOxidation of 𝛽-alanine by NBromosuccinilide,Page no. 673-677 International Journal of Chemistry;Science,
    interdisciplinary journal Vol 23 Issue 2, Aug.2007
  7. Kinetic of Oxidationof 𝛼- Alinine by NN+Bromosuccinimide, Page no. 1539-154 Asian International Journal interdisciplinary
    journal Vol 20,Issue 2, 2008
  8. Structural & Magnetic Properties ALSubstituted Nano Calcium Hexaferrites, page no. 272-277 Bionano Frontier, Vol. 5, 201
  9. Effect on high Frequency Dielectric and magnetic behavior of Co-Zr Substituted Aluminum Sr-M Hexafeprrite, page no. 1356-1364
    International Journal of Research in Biosciences, Agriculture & Technology,Vol. 1, Issue-2, Jan. 2014ISSN no.2347-517X9.
  10. Characterization of A1+3 Substituted Sr Nano-Hexaferrite,Synthesised by SolGel auto Combustion Technique, page no. 125-130
    International Journal of Research in Biosciences, Agriculture & Technology, Special Issue-2, Feb. 2015ISSN no.2347-517X
  11. Substitution of Transiton metal ION on magnetic behavior of CA0.5SR0.5 Mexfe 12-2XO19 by Solid state Diffusion Process, page no.334-
    339 International Journal of Research in Biosciences,Agriculture & Technology,Vol.2 Issue- 3,May. 2015ISSN no.2347-517X
  12. Sustanbale Development and Useful Science, page no. 72-78 International Research Journal of Natural and AppliedScience, Vol.
    6, Issue 1, Jan.2019 ISSN no.2349-4077
  13. Terrorism, Toxicity,and Vulnerability:Chemistry in defense of Human Welfare,page no. 519-530 International Journal of Multidisciplin
    ary Research Academy,Vol. 6, issue-01, March2019IS
  14. The Biosphere: how the Revolution in Biology to GreenChemistry, Page no.85-94 International Journal of Multidisciplin ary Research
    Academy,Vol.9, issue-02, Feb. 2020 ISSN no.2394-2770
  15. The wonderful worldof Carbon: organIc Chemistry and Biochemicals, page no. 37-49 International Journal of Engineering Science and
    Mathematics,vol. 9, issue –12, Dec. 2020
  16. Green chemistry different Approach & Fundamental Goals, page no. 19-29 InternationalResearch Journal of Natural and Applied
    Sciences, Vol 8, issue 2, Feb.2021 ISSN no.2349-4077
  17. The Environmental Chemistry & Sustainable Development, page no. 8-16 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Academy,
    Vol.9, issue-05, May 2021ISSN no.2394-2770
  18. Innovations and Technology in Science: Enhancement in Teaching and Learning, Page no.14311-14314 Turkish online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Vol.12, issue- 7,June 2021
  19. Cellulose Hydrogelsand Green Sustainable, Page no.77-83 International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Science,Vol. 7, issue 7,
    July 2021 ISSN no.2455-2569
  20. Climate Changes:Environmental and Public Health Regarding Significant Key Concerns, page no.108-110 Journal of Research and Development,A Multidisciplinary international Level Referred Journal, Vol.12, Issue 4,Aug. 2021 ISSN no.2230-9578
  21. Agro based industries and Rural Development, Page no. 159-161 Journal of Research and Development, A Multidisciplinary
    international Level Referred Journal, Vol.12, Issue 7,Sept. 2021ISSN no.2230-9578
  22. Insects Pests Management:Prevention and Control, page no.174-177 International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology,Vol. -9, Issue6, Oct. 2021 ISSN no.2395-6011 Online no.2395-602X
  23. Organic analysis of Biodiesel obtained from different Vegetable oils, pageno. 1-8 G Einternational Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.
    9, Issue- 12,Dec. 2021ISSN no.2394-420X(o) 232 1717
  24. Policy, Reforms and Measures towards Enhancing Water Use Efficiency in Irrigation, Page no.219-224 Kala Sarovar Quarterly journal
    Approved by UGC Care List, Vol 24,issue- 4, 2021ISSN no.0975-4520
  25. A Way towards Philosophy ofChemistry:Contribution of Philosophers in Chemistry, page no.23-27 Research Journey,international
    E- Research Journal, Jan 2022E- ISSN no.2348-7143




1. Environmental Studies Refer book Meharbaba Publication, NagpurISBN no. 978-93-91961-43-5April 2022








Seminar/Workshops/Conferences etc. Attended



  • International Conference on Science and Technology For Society , Organized by Vishwashanti Multipurpose Society , Nagpur in Collaboration with Society of Technologically Advanced Material of India and University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Shrilanka at Colombo (2015).
  • International Conference on Science and technology for Sustainable Development (ICSTSD-2016) Organized by ICSTSD-2016 team at Kualalampur, Malaysia.
  • Internatinal Webinar on Macro Challenges of COVID-19 Organised Deparment of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Govt. Girls P.G. College , Ujjain (31st May, 2020).
  • Internatinal Webinar on COVID-19 : CHEMIST'S EYE VIEW Organised by Department of Chemistry, ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE VAIKOM, on June 13, 2020.

Awards/Honors/Recognition etc.

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