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Faded Sandpaper
Mr Vijay D Wakode

Mr Vijay D Wakode

Assistant Professor

M.A History, Eco, B.Ed, Net,

Department -


Specialization -


Teaching Experience (in years) -


Date of Appointment -

1 Jul 2007

Contact -


Research Work

-:: National & International Papers ::--

  1. (Historical Terrorisam) published in (N.H College, Bramhapuri National Seminar). on (Date 02/02/2010)

  2. (डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचे शैक्षणिक तत्वज्ञान) published in (Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur National Seminar). on (Date 26/02/2011)

  3. (महात्मा फुलेंचे शेतकऱ्यांच्या उन्नतीविषयक विचार) published in (J.D.Patil Sangludkar Mahavidyalaya,Daryapur Dist.Amravati State Level Seminar). on (Date 05/03/2011)

  4. (सामाजिक न्याय आणि ग्रामीण विकास) published in (Soc. Depet. Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur National Seminar). on (Date 10/03/2011)

  5. (वंचितांच्या इतिहासाची संकल्पना) published in (Bhiwapur Mahavidyalaya, Bhiwapur National Seminar). on (Date 12/03/2011)

  6. (डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर प्रणीत आर्थिक व सामाजिक न्याय) published in (R.S.Bidkar Arts,Com & Sci College,Hinganghat,Wardha National Seminar). on (Date 15/03/2011)

  7. भारत - चीन संबंधातील तिबेट विवाद) published in (F.E.S.Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur National Seminar). on (Date 31/01/2012)

  8. (महर्षी विठ्ठल रामजी शिंदे यांचे आर्थिक विचार व सामाजिक कार्य) published in (Shri Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya,Newasa State Level Seminar). on (Date 23/02/2012)

  9. (कृषकोन्नती व राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराज) published in (Shivshakti Kala Vanijya Mahavidyalaya,Babhulgaon State Level Seminar). on (Date 06/03/2012)

  10. (बांग्लादेश निर्मितीमध्ये इंदिरा गांधींची भूमिका) published in (Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi Kala Vanijya Mahavidyalaya,Saoli State Level Seminar). on (Date 03/03/2012)

  11. (उत्तरेच्या राजकारणातील जाणकार व्यक्तिमत्व - मल्हारराव होळकर) published in (Late. Dattatray Pusadkar Kala Mahavidyalaya,Nandgaon,Amravati National Level Seminar). on (Date 07/09/2012)

  12. वैद्यकिय व वैज्ञानिक क्षेत्रातील महिलांचे योगदान) published in (Vidyabharati Mahavidyalaya,Amravati National Level Seminar). on (Date 12/10/2012)

  13. (सम्राट अशोक कालीन प्रशासनव्यवस्था : आजच्या संदर्भात) published in (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya,Bramhapuri National Level Seminar). on (Date 14/03/2014)

  14. (चंद्रपूर जिल्ह्यांतील मंदिरांचा इतिहास) published in (Lokmanya Mahavidyalaya,Warora National Level Seminar). on (Date 04/04/2015)

  15. (महात्मा गांधींचे शैक्षणिक तत्वज्ञान) published in (Arts Com. Mahavidyalaya,Bhisi State Level Seminar). on (Date 27/03/2017)

  16. (स्त्री जीवनाचे शिल्पकार : महर्षी धोंडो केशव कर्वे) published in (Loknayak Bapuji Ane Mahavidyalaya,Yawatmal National Level Seminar) (ISBN-81-904279-6-2) on (Date 25/09/2018)

"The Great Historian D. D. KoSambi - International Journal of Researdh in Social Science Vol. 3, Issue 2May 2013, ISSN - 2249-2496

  1. Anciant Indian History Sources International Journal of Reserch in Social Sciences (IJRSS) (ISSN - 2249 - 2496), Issue 6 Jun 2013

  2. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Of Modern India - International - Journal Of Enqineering and Scientific Research Vol 2 Issue 6 Jun 2014

  3. Conversation in Berar and criticism By Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) in Vol, Issue 8 of August 2014, ISSN (o) 2249 - 7382

  4. Women Empowermentand Constitutional - International - Journal of Physical and Social Sciences Vol 5, Issue 11November 2015 ISSN : 2249 - 5894

  5. "Dr. Ambedkar and Khoti Padhti" - Publi in - International - Journal of Enqineering and Scientific Research Vol 3 Issue 12 Dece 2015

  6. " Development of Stupa Architecture In India Published in International Researdh Journal of Human Resources and Social Science. ISSN : 2349 - 4085 Volume 3, Issue 3 March 2016

  7. A Study on the Strtegy of English East India For Establishment of Administrative System in Manbhum Territory (1765- 1858) Publish in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences Vol. 6 Issue 12 December 2016

  8. A Slice of Maratha HIstory - Setu Madhav Rao Pagadi International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) - Vol. 7 Issue 7 of july 2017 ISSN (O) 2249 - 7382

  9. Introduction to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Annihilation of Cast. - Published in International Journal of Human Resources and Social Science. ISSN : 2349 - 4085 Volume 4, Issue 12 Dece 2017

  10. "Karmveer V. R. Shinde and His Work For the Upliftment of Untouchablle" IN - ZENITH Inter - Journal of Multidisci Plinary Research ISSN - 2231 - 5780 Volume 08 Issue 06 Jun 2018

  11. "Indus Calture and Society" IN - ECONSPEAK : A Journal of Advances in Management IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 8 Issue 3 march 2018 ISSN : (2231 - 4571)

  12. "Relevance of Ambedkar's Concept of Social Justic in the Present Scenario" IN - ZENITH International Journal of Multidisci Plinary Research ISSN 2231 - 5780 Volume 9 Issue 09 September 2019

  13. "I Role of Women in Decentaralix lized Rural Governanc" IN - ECONSPEAK : A Journal of Advances in Management IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 9 Issue 12 December 2019 ISSN : (2231 - 4571)

  14. "Satavahana D Dynasty Early History in South Region" Published in International - Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences ISSN : (2349 - 4077) Volume 7 Issue 05 may 2020

  15. "MICRO - IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT IN MAHARASHTRA" Educreator Research Journal (ERJ) ISSN : P - 2455 - 0515, E - 2394 - 8450, Volume No. VIII/Issues III, May - Jun 2020

  16. 'पर्यावरण शिक्षण वर्तमानकालीन उपयुक्तता व महत्व' International Journal of Social Sciences (IJMR Publication) ISSN : 2249 - 2496 In Volume 11 Issue 10 October 2021

  17. "THE ADMINISTRATION OF HARSH'S KINGDOM" Aarhat Multi disciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ) ISSN - 2278 - 5655 Volume X Issues - V, sep 2021

  18. "Environmental Impact : Gende, Climate Change Health" ISSN - 2230 - 9578 Multidisciplinary International Level Globale Environment Heaith and Sustainablle Development 20th Augest 2021 Volume 12 Issue 4

  19. "भारतीय शेती समस्यांचे ISSN - 2347 - 7075 जाणकार - डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर" International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (IJAAR) 22th September 2021 Volume 1 Issue - 4

  20. "Importance of Sustainable Development In India" Journal of research and Development Sep -2021 Volume 12 Issue - II ISSN - 2230 - 9598

  21. "प्राचीन भारतातील जलसंस्कृती : एक आकलन " Resource Management and Agricultural Development 9 सप्टे. 2021 - Volume - 12 Issue - 8 - ISSN - 2230 - 9578

  22. डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचे सामाजिक विचार Thought and Works of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar of B. Aadhar 29/09/2021 ISSN - 2278 - 9308 Issue No (CCC X VIII) 318 (D)

  23. "MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO GAIKWAD : A VISIONARY REFORMER" Worldwide Internationl Inter Disciplinary Reaserch Journal Vol. I Issue XXXVI, September 2021 ISSN : 2454 - 7905

  24. "भारतातील कोरोना काळातील विद्यार्थी वर्गावर झालेले परिणाम : एक विश्लेषण" International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (IJAAR) 13 September 2021, ISSN - 2347 -7075, Vol - 1, Issue - 2 Sept. 2021

  25. "डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या कृषिविषयक विचारांची समकालीन उपयोगिता" Agricultural and Rural Development : Stratagic Issue and Reform Option 30 Oct. 2021 Volume - 12 Issue - 15 ISSN - 2230 - 9578

  26. "Covid-19 Impact ON INDIAN EDUCATION" Bengal, Past and Present, UGC Care Group 1 Journal ISSN - 0005 - 8807 Bengal, Past and Present Vol.- 117, Issue : (IV) October - December - 2021

  27. "विद्देची स्फ़ुर्तिनायीकासावित्रीबाई फुले" B. Aadhar Multidisciplinary Internation Reaserch Journal, The Contribution of Indian Women In Family Socityand National Development In the Post Independedence Era, Octomber - 2021 USSUE No. (CCCXXVI) 326 ISSN- 2278 - 9308

  28. "A Role of Gender Equality And Mass Media In Sustabble Development" AksharWangmay International Reaserch Journal, UGC - CARE LISTED Special Issue, Volume -II, Octomber - 2021 ISSIN - 2229 - 4929

  29. पर्यावरण शिक्षण वर्तमानकालीन उपयुक्तता - Journal of Research and development, Volume - 12, Issue - 18, Nove - 2021 ISSN - 2230 - 9578 Impact Factor - 7.265

  30. भारतीय राष्ट्रवादाच्या निर्मितीमध्ये साहित्य व वृत्तपत्राचे योगदान GALAXY LINK UGC Listed Journal Journal No 47023, Volume - X, Issue - I, Nove - April - 2021 - 22, Marathi Part - II, Impact Factor - 6.571, ISSN - 2319 - 8508

  31. SOCIAL REFORMER- PANDITA RAMABAI International journal of Researches in Social Science and Information Studies Nov-2021 ISSN: 2347-8209

  32. "MICRO - IRRIGATION DEVELOMPENT IN MAHARASHTRA" कला सरोवर Quarerly Jourhal Approved by U.G.C. Care list Vol - 24 No - 4 - 2021, RNI No. - 46269/87, ISSN - 0975-4520

  33. Improve Academic Self - Concept, Academic Performance, Mindfulness Training in New Education Policy AJANTA - AN INTER - MULTI - Quartery Reasearch Journal Vaolum - X, Issue - IV Octomber - December - 2021 ISSN - 2277 - 5730

  34. The educational, Social and Political view of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar B. Adhar Peer-Reviewed and Referred Indexed Multydisciplinary International Research Journal December 2021, ISSUE No.- (CCLXXXIII) 331, ISSN - 2278-9308

Seminar/Workshops/Conferences etc. Attended

-:: Workshop ::- (23)

  1. १ दिवस, विद्यापीठस्तरीय, महाविद्यालयीन युवकांच्या चारित्र्य निर्मितीमध्ये वं. राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराजांच्या ग्राम गीतेचे महत्व, २४ नोव्हेंबर २००८

  2. १ दिवस, विदर्भस्तरीय, नव्या अभ्यासक्रमाचे स्वरूप व परीक्षापद्धती, २ फेब्रुवारी २००९

  3. १ दिवस, विद्यापीठस्तरीय, जनलोकपालातील - २०११, १३ आक्टोंबर २०११

  4. १ दिवस, राष्ट्रीयस्तरीय, मुद्रितशोधन, १९ सप्टेंबर २०११

  5. १ दिवस, विद्यापीठस्तरीय, अभ्यासक्रमाचे स्वरूप, २३ जानेवारी २०१२

  6. १ दिवस, विद्यापीठस्तरीय, Workshop on "New Syllabus of History for Third and Fourth Sem"., 21 July 2013

  7. १ दिवस, विद्यापीठस्तरीय, इतिहास विषयाच्या पदवी सेम ५, सेम ६ अभ्यासक्रम, ६ ऑगस्ट २०१७

  8. १ दिवस, राज्यस्तरीय, Current Issues of the higher Education, १० ऑगस्ट २०१७

  9. १ दिवस, राष्ट्रीयस्तरीय, "TRIBLE STUDIES", 7 February 2020

  10. 15 Days, National Level, "Mulyple Dimensions of Ancient Indian Gulture" November 12 to 17 November 2021

  11. 21 Days, National Level, ONLINE TEACHING TOOLS (BASIC LAEVEL), 30/09/2021 TO 19/10/2021

  12. 7 Days, National Level, "Startup and Innovation" 18/10/2021 To 24/10/2021

  13. 15 Days, National Level, E-content Development, 7th September to 22 September 2021

  14. 10 Days, National Level, NSS Cell, GGSIP University, New Delhi, My life My Yoga, 30 August to 9 September 2020

  15. 3 Days, National Level, Central Library, Banwarilal Bhalotia College, Asansol, West Bengal, India, Citational, References and Research Ethics, 13 September to 15 September 2020

  16. 1 Day, National Level, Shri Dnyanesh Mahavidyalaya, Nawargaon, Online Workshop on "Vermicomposting Methods" 20 May 2020

  17. 1 Day, National Level, Anandrao Dhonde Alias Balaji Mahavidyalaya, Kada, Online National Yoga Workshop, 21 June 2020

  18. 1 Day, National Level, Late Dattatraya Pusadkar Arts College, Nandgaon Peth, Amravati, "Research Methodology" 4 June 2020

  19. 1 Day. National Level, Govt. Vidharbha Institute of Sciences and Humanities, Amravati, "Online Income Tax Return & Economic Planning in Covid-19 Pandemic", 12 July 2020

  20. 1 Day, National Level, Rani Channamma University Belagavi, Karnataka, "Ethics in Research and Scholarly Publication", 4 August 2020

  21. 13 Days, National Level, Department of History, University of Mumbai & Ambedkarite History Congess Jointly Organised, Buddhism: Philosophy, Literature Vipassana Meditation, Art and Architecture (Online E-content Development Workshop), 10 August to 22 August 2020

  22. 7 Days, National Level, Department of History, Sripat Singh College, Jiaganj, Murshidabad, West Bengal, "Revisiting the History of India & Beyond" 2 September to 8 September 2020

  23. 20 Days, National Level, ESSGEE DIGISKILLS MUMBAI, "Online teaching Tools (Basic Level), 30 Septembar to 19 October 2021

--:: Faculty Development Programs ::--

  1. 5 Days, National Level, Shanti Devi Arya Mahila College, Dinanagar, Faculty Development Programme, 17 August to 22 August 2020

  2. 7 Days, National Level, Roorkee College of Management & Computer Applications, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, One Week Online National Faculty Development Program on E-Conntents and ICT Tools for Innovative and Effective Teaching & Learning Process, 8 August to 14 August 2020

  3. 2 Days, National Level, Organised by International Center for Bussiness Studies (ICBS) Deparatment of Commerce, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Two-Days International FDP on 'High Impact Teaching Skills and Mind Mapping for Better Teaching', 19 And 20 August 2020

  4. 5 Days, National Level, Dewan Institute of Management Studies (College of Education), "Educational Innovative Teaching Skills", 25 July to 29 July 2020

  5. 2 Days, National Level, S.P.M. Tatysaheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, Chikhli, Dist. Buldana, "An Effective E-Content Development Tools", 29 and 30 July 2020

  6. 3 Days, National Level, Sinhgad Institute of Management and Computer Application, (SIMCA), Pune, "New Paradigms in e-learning Tools and Techniques for Teaching Learning"

  7. 1 Day, National Level, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology & Sciences, Vinjanampadu, "Role of Online Teaching Pedagogy and ICT Tools in Outcome Based Education", 25 June 2020

  8. 15 Days, National Level, Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujam College, University of Delhi, "Research Methodology", 01 October to 15 October 2020

Publish A Book Chapter

  1. डाँ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचे सामाजिक तत्वज्ञान - शिवरामजी मोघे महाविद्यालय पांढरकवडा ISBN-

  2. राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराज यांचे सामाजिक विचार संत साहित्य, कार्य : चर्चा व चिंतन प्रकाशक श्रीमती नरस्समा कला, वाणिज्य व विज्ञान महाविद्यालय अमरावती ISBN- 978-93-91305-33-8

  3. लोकनेते डाँ. पंजाबराव देशमुख प्रकाशक शिवरामजी मोघे महाविद्यालय पांढरकवडा, जि. यवतमाळ

  4. लोकशिक्षक संत गाडगे महाराज प्रकाशक - शिवरामजी मोघे महाविद्यालय, पांढरकवडा जि. यवतमाळ

  5. कोरोना व्हायरस : एक वैश्विक महामारी मानव-जीवन ओर कोरोना (बौद्धिक संदर्भ मे) जे.टी.एस. पब्लिकेशन दिल्ली ISBN - 978-93-92611-48-3

  6. सरकार - समाज - शिक्षा ओर नारी 'नारी विमर्श : विविध संदर्भ' जे.टी.एस. पब्लिकेशन दिल्ली ISBN - 978-93-92611-24-7

  7. पर्यावरण प्रदूषण ओर प्रदूषण के प्रकार साहित्य मे पर्यावरण - विमर्श जे.टी.एस. पब्लिकेशन दिल्ली ISBN - 978-93-92611-13-1

Training Courses

SN Programme Duration Organized by

  1. 64th Orientation Programme 4 week 08/07/2009 to 04/08/2009 A.S.C. RTM Nagpur University Nagpur.

  2. Refresher Course in History 3 week 18/06/2012 to 08/07/2012 A.S.C. RTM Nagpur University Nagpur.

  3. Refresher Course in History 31 August - 13 September 2021 HRDC MIZORAM University

  4. Short term Course on Dialogue with M. K. Gandhi A Contemporary Discourse 29 September to 5 October 2021 HRDC sqqar (M.P.)

  5. Short term Course on Starup and Innovation (18/10/2021 to 24/10/2021 HRDC Gujrat University Ahmedabad.

Awards/Honors/Recognition etc.

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