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Womens' Hostel

University Grant Commission (Aided Under XI Plan)
Established in 2015

Chairman Dr Liladhar C Ujede, Officiating Principal

Secretary / Warden Dr Usha B Wadpalliwar

Member Dr Gajanan Kortalwar

Medical Consultants Dr Devrao Bokar, Ph. 07178-258546, 7588883520

Dr Mrs Archana Giradkar, Ph. 9823982842, 7385539707

Terms and Conditions

  1. The students in the hostel have to keep the room and the premises clean

  2. The hostel cannot be vacated without the prior permission of the head of the hostel

  3. It will be mandatory to be present in the hostel before 7 o'clock

  4. No one will be allowed to visit or enter the hostel or room without the permission of the hostel head

  5. Excessive use of water and electricity is not allowed

  6. Cooking in hostel or rooms is not allowed

  7. If student want to go on holiday, she should get prior permission by submitting a written application one day in advance

Hostel Superintendent

Hostel beneficiaries

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

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