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WELCOME to department of Economics


The Department of Economics on U. G. Level was Established in 1968 with the inception of the institution wheres PG in the year 2019-20 . The department has been providing quality education of economics since the establishment. The faculty members, students, staff, alumni and friends of the Department of Economics are actively engaged in an enormous range of activities involving research, publishing, teaching, learning, and public outreach work. It organizes various students oriented programmers like test exam, student seminar, study tour, guest lectures, survey, field work and discuss current issue of economic scenario. So the graphs of economics department increase Day by Day in overall activities.


Associate Professor and Head

(MA, B ed, M Phil, Ph.D.)

  • Mr.Vinesh Zode

CHB Faculty (M.A. B.Ed.)

  • Mr. Pitambar Sukare

CHB Faculty ( M.A.)

  • Mr. Roshan Murteli

CHB Faculty (M.A.)


  • BA Economics

(Six semesters)

  • MA Economics

(Four Semesters)

  • Specialization in Agriculture Economics, Statistics, Money and Banking, Rural Development

  • Highly experienced faculty members

  • Well Reference books available in Main Library

  • ICT Teaching

  • Online Lectures

  • Departmental Library

  • PPT Bank

  • Research Guidance

  • IHLR Center

  • Published Paper in Journals - 17

  • Full Paper Published in Conference Proceeding - 20

  • Paper Presented - 02

  • Book Published - 01

  • Book Editor - 01

  • Research Guidance (PhD) - Two Researchers are working.


  • Dr. Sunil Shinde, Vice- Principal, Bhiwapur College, Bhiwapur , Dist. Nagpur

  • Dr. Raju Shrirame, Vice- Principal, Jeewan Vikas Mahavidyalaya, Deogram, DIst. Nagpur

  • Dr. Krishna Bide, Assistant Professor, Bidakar Mahavidyalaya, Samudrapur, Dist. Wardha

  • Dr. Sanjay Rachalwar, Assistant Professor, Arts College, Yavatmal

  • Dr. Manik Thikare, Arts College Maregaon, Dist. Yavatmal

  • Dr. Raju Ade, Assistanat Professor, Newajabai Hitkarni Mahavidyalaya, Brampuri Dist. Chandrapur

  • Mr. Sunil Gabhane, Assistant Professor, Degoji Pise Mahavidyalaya, Neri, Dist. Chandrapur

  • Dr. Vinod Dongarwar, Assistant Professor, C.P. & Berar College Nagpur


2020-21 2021-22

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