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WELCOME to department of Zoology


The college was established in 1968 but the faculty of science & Department of Zoology in U.G. was launched in 1985. Nawargaon situated in near buffer zone of Tadoba (TATR) and enrich with wealth of distinct Biodiversity. People of this region including various Tribe sustain their life with the help of forest through the ages. By studying nature and interaction with the region, Zoology obtains an incredible position. The Department is fully imparting knowledge in the society and help them.

The Department has started following course

B.Sc. (CBCS) - 2017-18 with group Zoology, Botany and Chemistry
M. Sc. (CBCS) - from 2019-20

Skill based Courses

Certificate course in vermiculture – 2007-08
Certificate course in Honey Production – 2020-21

To Live harmoniously in the web of life

To inspire students to reach the frontiers of Biological Sciences.
To develop research aptitude and a scientific advancement.
To develop an aptitude for understanding nature and its rich biodiversity.
To acquire knowledge on the taxonomic status of various animals and its relationship to man.
To give employment strength through knowledge of applied Zoology.
To bring about an awareness of Environment conservation, health related problems, its prevention and cure.

  • Dr Suresh S Bakare

M Sc, M Phil, Ph D


Area of Research- Insect Endocrinology, Biodiversity


M Sc, Ph D

Associate Professor

Area of Research- Insect Endocrinology, Biodiversity

  • Mr. Zampali S. Badawat

Laboratory Assistant


  • Mr G R Lenze

Laboratory Attendant

  1. B.Sc. (CBCS) with group (CBZ) Zoology Botany and Chemistry

  2. Certificate course in vermiculture

  3. M. Sc. (CBCS) - I & II Years

  4. Certificate course in Honey Production

  5. Ph D in Zoology (Institution of Higher Learning, Research & Specialized Studies. IHLRSS)

  • In the department apart from conventional teaching methods we also use PPTs on LCD projector, and other audio- visual aids for teaching to make student understand easily.

  • We as a department activity use to run student organization called Zoological Society through which students on their own use to plan and conduct different academic programs which improves the students a lot.

  • We under the banner of Zoological Society Organized Seminar, Elocution, debate competition and All events were successfully organized by UG & PG students from the department.

  • We also provide on line information to students such as:

On line quiz and test series in Google form

Popular lecture series videos on the internet uploaded by faculty of Department at a scientific community website




1. Male reproductive system in Anax guttatus (Anisoptera : Aeshnidae) Published in FRASERIA (N.S.)7, 2008: 111-119

2. Ultra structure of the male genital duct in the dragon fly Anax guttatus (Insecta : Odonata) J. Hislopia -3, ISSN NO- 0976-2124, 2010: 63-72

3. Spermatogenesis and Sperm bundle formation in the dragonfly Anax guttatus (Burmeister) (Insecta :Odonata:Aeshnidae) The Bioscan vol 6, ISSN 0973 -7049 No 4 - 2011 :789-790

4. Ultrastructure of the primary external male genitalia of the dragonfly Anax guttatus (Burmeister) (Odonata : Anisoptera : Aeshnidae) Ann. Entomology., 30(1): 15-23 (2012). ISSN 0970-3721,

5. Odonata diversity (Insecta: Odonata) around village Nawargaon, Dist. Chandrapur (MS), India. Indian Streams Research Journal, Special issue UGC sponsored National conference on Recent trends in Biodiversity conservation and management, 6-9. ISSN -2230-7850.

6. Ethnomedicinal plants diversity around Nawargaon village of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, India Weekly Science Research Journal ISSN 2321-7871

7. Histomorphology, Histology and ultrastructure of the male genital tract of damselfly Ischnura aurora Brauer (Odonata:Zygoptera) International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture & Technology, IJRBAT, Vol.V - (2017) 24-32. ISSN 2347- 8268

8. Physioco-chemical analysis of two fresh water lakes near Lakhani Dist. Bandara (M.S.) Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary studies, 5 (9) September, 2017.ISSN2321-8819(online)2348-7186(print) Impact factor:1.498

9. Histomorphology of the larval hindgut of the Dragonfly Bradinopyga geminate (Rambur)(Odonata:libellulidae) International Journal of Life Sciences, Special Issue A 12: March 2018. UGC approved Journal No 48951.

10. Ultra structure of spermatozoa of Anax guttatus(Odonata:Aeshnidae) Odonaologica 46 (3/4)2017: 241-254 - DDI :10.5281/ zenodo.1040307.Dec.2017.

11. Physico-chemical characterization of the two fresh water lakes near lakhani dist. Bhandara (m.s.). Hislopia Journal 10(1) 2017,11-18. ISSN : 0976-2124.

12. Chronic toxicity induced by endosulfan on fresh water cat fish clarias gariepinus: biochemical and haematological changes Hislopia Journal 10(1) 2017, 27- 42. ISSN : 0976-2124.

13. Hindgut histomorphology of the adult Dragonfly bradinopyga geminate (rambur) (odonata: libellulidae), Hislopia Journal 10(1) 2017, 53 - 58. ISSN : 0976-2124.

14. Physico-chemical analysis of Chargaon lake near Warora, Dist. - Chandrapur. Parishodh Journal IX (III) 2020, 5455 -5459 ISSN : 2347-6648.

15. Ichthyofaunal diversity of the Chargaon lake near Warora Dist. - Chandrapur, MS, India International Journal of Life Sciences 8 (3) 2020, 593-596,ISSN : 2320-7817 (



1. “Pratyakshik Kruti Pustika” for farmers on the eve of “Workshop on Vermicomposting and organic farming” UGC sponsored.

2. “A TEXT BOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES” BY Kishor Bhute, Dr. Amir Dhamani, Dr. Arvind Lonkar & Dr. Suresh Bakare for all UG classes. ISBN 978-81-925796-4-1

3. “Paryawaran Abhyas” BY Kishor Bhute, Dr. Amir Dhamani, Dr. Arvind Lonkar & Dr. Suresh Bakare for all UG classes (Marathi). ISBN 978-81-925796-5-8

4. F. Y. B. Sc. Zoology Semester –I By Amir Dhamani, Suresh Bakare, Narendra Harney & Kishore Bhute. ISBN 978-81-925796-8-9 (ONE CBCS TEXT BOOK)

5. F. Y. B. Sc. Zoology Semester –II By Suresh Bakare, Narendra Harney & Kishore Bhute, Amir Dhamani. ISBN 978-81-925796-9-6

6. S. Y. B. Sc. Zoology Semester –III By Suresh Bakare, Narendra Harney & Kishore Bhute, Amir Dhamani (Applied for ISBN) (ONE CBCS TEXT BOOK)

7. S. Y. B. Sc. Zoology Semester –IV By Suresh Bakare, Narendra Harney & Kishore Bhute, Amir Dhamani (Applied for ISBN) (ONE CBCS TEXT BOOK)

8. T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology Semester –V By Amir Dhamani ,Suresh Bakare, Narendra Harney & Kishore Bhute, (Applied for ISBN)

9. T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology Semester –VI By Amir Dhamani ,Suresh Bakare, Narendra Harney & Kishore Bhute, (Applied for ISBN)

Ph. D. Awarded

1. Smitha Kuriakose :

“The effect of Endosulfan and Imidacloprid on Fresh water catfish Clarias gariepinus (Bruchell) (Siluriformes : Clariidae)

4th December 2020

2. Geeta Tichkule :

Limnological studies on two fresh water lake near Lakhani, Dist. - Bhandara (M.S.)

4th December 2020

3. Rakesh Chadgulwar :

Studies on the Biodiversity and Limnological status of the Chargaon lake near Warora Dist.- Chandrapur (M.S.) India

5th February 2022

4. Sunil Chaudhari :

Studies on the hind gut of the Dragonfly Bradynopyga geminate (Rambur) (Odonata : Libellulidae)

5th February 2022



1. “Immunocytochemical localization of vertebrate gastro-intestinal hormone-like substances and their role in the midgut diagestive enzyme activity in Cybister tripunctatus Ol. [Coleoptera :Dytiscidae]”. Entomon 30 (4): 279-288 (2005).

2. Physico-chemical characteristics of the mid gut digestive enzyme in the Beetle in CybistertripunctatusOl. [Coleoptera :Dytiscidae]”. Hislopia Journal 4(2), 2011

3. Proventriculus of the aquatic beetle, Cybister tripunctatus OL, (Coleoptera : dytiscidae), Adarsha journal research &evolution 1: 1-2,2012,

4. Effect of Brain and Midgut extract on midgut digestive enzyme in the the Beetle in CybistertripunctatusOl. [Coleoptera :Dytiscidae]” Journal of Science Information, special issue 3:24-28,2012.

5. Histomorphological studies on the neurosecretory cells in the brain of the beetle, Cybistertripunctatus OL, (Coleoptera : dytiscidae) Journal of The Bioscan, an international Journal of life science 2(3): 409:413,2012, ISSN:0973-7049.

6. To study the effect of vermiwash and vermicompost on the growth regulators and morphological characters of Rice Oryzasativanaturally.Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences6(1):025-030,E- ISSN: 2249 –1929

7. Studies on physico-chemical characteristics of the midgut digestive enzymes in the beetle, cybistertyripunctatus. (ol), coleoptera: dytiscidae,recent trend in bioinformatics and biostatistics. 96-103.March 2015

8. Impact of human activities on forest biodiversity in Bramhapuri division, chandrapur, Maharashtra (india),Life Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 4 Spe. Issue 2 ISSN 2347-8691, Dec. 2017

9. Gender Sensitization In Nutritional Profile Of Children (0-5 Years) In Nawargaon Dist- Chandrapur, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6, (174-177), ISSN-2349-5162, UGC approved journal no 63975.

10. Study of Ichthyofaunal Diversity from Lakes Nearby Nawargaon tah. Sindewahi, Dist. Chandrapur (M.S.) India. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications (BBRC)special issue vol 12 (4),130-132, August (2019) Print ISSN: 0974-6455. UGC Approved Journal, Journal Indexed in Group “A” of UGC Care List 2019 (UGC Journal Serial Number,42929), Special-Issue- Vol-12-No-4-Aug-2109.pdf.

11. Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Wainganga River near AA Energy plant Desaiganj (Wadsa), Dist – Gadchiroli, Maharashtra (India).Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, 2020; Special Issue A7: 402-406,ISSN: 2322-0015,

12. Physico-chemical analysis of Wainganga River Near Energy Plant, (Desaiganj) Wadsa, Dist.-Gadchiroli, Maharashtra (India), Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, Volume XII, Issue X, October/2020, Page No: 2165-2179, ISSN NO: 0022-1945.

13. A Study On Faunal Biodiversity Of Wainganga River Near A.A. Energy Plant Near Desaiganj (Wadsa), Dist- Gadchiroli, Maharashtra, The International Journal Of Analytical And Experimental Modal Analysis, Volume XII, Issue XI, November/2020, Page No:1724-1729, ISSN NO:0886-9367.

14. Studies on Diversity of Odonata In Diwan Lake and Nawargaon Region, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra, (India), Journal of Research and Development, A Multidisciplinary International Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 3, August 2021. ISSN-2230-9578.

15. Role of Tribal People in The Conservation Of Biodiversity In Gadchiroli District (M.S.) International Journal Of Researches In Biosciences, Agriculture And Technology, Issue (X) Vol (II) May 2022: 73-79, e-ISSN 2347 – 517X.

16. Frequency Rate Of Lymphatics Filariasis In Bramhapuri Tehsil In Districtchandrapur (M.S.) International Journal Of Researches In Biosciences, Agriculture And Technology, Issue (X) Vol (II) May 2022: 265-269, e-ISSN 2347 – 517X.




1. “Insect vector and Diseases” by Himalaya Publication ISBN No 978-93-5367-713-8

2. “Parasitology” by Himalaya Publication ISBN No. 978-93-5367-749-7

3. “Aquatic Biology” by Himalaya Publication ISBN No 978-93-5367-775-6

4. “Immunology” by Himalaya Publication ISBN No 978-93-89951-85-1


Submission of Ph. D. Thesis


1. Ms Sanjali Kamle

Seasonal Variation & Aquatic Bio-Diversity With Respect to Limnological Studies of Wainganga River Near Energy Plant, (Desaiganj) Wadsa, Dist.-Gadchiroli, Maharashtra (India)


Working as Ph D Scholar

1. Mr. Sachin G. Yangandalwar

Phylogenetic Studies on Habit and Habitat of Tribal People and Their Role in Conservation of Biodiversity in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra. (India)

2. Mr Amit Borkar

Comparative Epidemiological Studies of Lymphatic Filariasis between Rural and Urban Population of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, India.

3. Mr Angaraj V Parwate

“Studies On Diversity, Distribution And Abundance Of Insect Pest On Paddy Field In Sindewahi Tehsil District Chandrapur Maharashtra”

4. Mr. Manibhushan R. Dhanwar

“Studies On Some Biological And Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Breeding Habitats Of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) In District-Chandrapur Maharashtra”

5. Ms Priya Bhagade–“Study On Spider Biodiversity As Biological Control Agent In Paddy Field Of Sindewahi Region In District Chandrapur Maharashtra”


  1. MR. HUMESH ANANDE Asst. Professor, Gramgeeta College, Chimur

  2. MR. RAJU SAHARE Teacher, Rajiv Gandhi High school, Masal

  3. MR. AMIT BORKAR, Jr. Lecturer, Janta College, Nagbhid

  4. MS. SONAM BANSOD, NET, JRF, Asst. Professor, Yashawant Chavhan College, Lakhani, Bhandara

  5. MS. HINA BHOYAR, CHB (Zoology) at DMV Nawargaon

  6. MR. PRAKASH BORKAR, Office Attendance in Hospital at Pune

  7. MS. ASHWINI SHRIRAME, NET, JRF CHB (Chemistry) at DMV Nawargaon

  8. MS. MALA LANJEWAR, CHB (Biology) at DMV Jr. College Palasgoan

  9. MR. DHEERAJ MADAVI, Work at Sampada Bank, Gunjewahi

  10. MR. PANKAJ KAMDI, Cashier, BSNL, Sindewahi

  11. MR. CHETAN NINAWE, Works at Company,Nagpur

  12. MS. GAYATRI THIKARE, CHB (Zoology) at DMV Nawargaon

  13. MR. CHETAN BUDHHE, CHB (Chemistry) at DMV Nawargaon

  14. MR. SURAJ GEDAM, Post office, Sindewahi

  15. MS. SNEHA SONKUSARE, Radiologist, Bhavani Hospital, Nagpur

  16. MS. TEJASWINI NINAWE, Technician, Sainath Blood bank, Nagpur

  17. MS. NISHA SUKARE, Technician, Mehara Hospital, Chandrapur

  18. MS. DURGA BORKAR, Work at VOSS company, Pune

  19. MS. PRIYA RAUT, CHB (Botany) at DMV Nawargaon

  20. MS. PRANJALI BANSOD, Works at Network marketing

  21. MR. DIKESHWAR BORKAR, Works at Private bank

  22. MS. SAPANA THERKAR, Postwomen, Post Office , Antargaon


2020-21 2021-22

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